Parts: ===== U1: 8051 (I use a AH version of intel micro-controleur) U2: 74LS373 or HC or HCT (octal latches) U3: eprom 2732 or 2716 Q1: 11.0592 Mhz quatz C1,C2: 30pF capacitor JP2: solder the 5 lines of Amiga (kbClock, KbData, KbReset, GND, 5 V) JP1: wire a DIN 5 female to plug the PeeCee keyboard like this: front view not solder view -v- / \ |3 1| 1 = KBClk | 5 4 | 2 = KBDat | 2 | 3 = NC \___/ 4 = Gnd. 5 = +5v (the pinout is the same as external Amiga keyboard for 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 68000...;) optional, but better with: 1: 40 pins socket for the 8051, 1: 24 pins socket for the eprom, 1: 20 pins socket for the latch. very optionnal reset (for reseting the interface not the amiga !): BP1: push button C3: 10 µF capacitor R1: 10 K ohms resistor Some strange key mapping: ========================= AT Amiga == ===== Left Ctrl Left Amiga Right Ctrl Right Amiga Capslock Control (IF used in conjunction with another key) Delete Delete Page Down Help PrintScreen Left Amiga ScrollLock Right Amiga (keys mapped for easy mouse pointer control in workbench.) Insert Amiga + Left Cursor Home Amiga + Up Cursor End Amiga + Down Cursor PageUp Amiga + Right Cursor (keys mapped for easy input string gadget deleting ) F11 x F12 Control